Swaps, swaps, swaps...

Oh how I LOVE swaps!! I just finished my end of the swap on the weekend! This one was an Invite Your Partner swap at Craftster (oh how I love that website! It's chock full of imagination and inspiration!) and a fellow craftster (er?) invited me along with her and she's making me a fairy poppet! Both of us should be receiving our items by the end of the week and I can't WAIT! Swaps are the BEST!!! It's so much fun doing the trades and knowing that the art you lovingly create is going to a good home! And man...is it fun getting that parcel in the mail! Anyhow, I invite you all to join Craftster. It is SO MUCH FUN!!! My handle on that site is FoxyBlue (go figure, huh?) so come and seek me out and let's talk about swapping!

Happy Monday!!

All the best,


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Dreaming of Vintage said...

Oh my! Great artwork! You are super talented!


Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

I love it Deedra! The back row is fantastic.

My name is Cindy said...

Wow I love the artwork you have showcased here!! Will have to go and check out that swap site. I'm just popping over from my blog which you visited for OWOH. Sorry I'm soooo late but life got in the way. Thanks for visiting!