There once was a girl named Olivia...

There once was a girl named Olivia and she had a birthday. Well, her momma loved her so much that she decided that she needed a doppleganger, so she contacted me. This is Mini-Olivia. I had such fun creating this little girl and I do hope that little Miss Olivia loves her Mini-Me :)

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Ayana said...

I am SO jealous of your skills! I saw this posting of the dolly on Craftster and decided to be nosey. EVERY single thing you make is amazing. I, too, like to create in several different mediums - but I am not nearly as talented as you! Honestly, I didn't think it was possible to be so good at EVERYTHING!

Deedra said...

Ayana - thank you sooooo much!! That is so nice of you to say that. You definitely warm my heart. Do you have a blog? I'm going to go check and see!! Much love!