And she's DONE!

With a little bit of protesting on the fairy's part, I now unveil the PANTIES!! I do believe that she is done. She can now go on her modest, merry way, and into my daughter's arms. I may still adorn her with some earrings, but aside from that, she is complete! And instead of her given name Sally the Eco Fairy, I'm giving her an adopted name of Ginger the Wish Fairy! My daughter can whisper her secret wishes and dreams into Ginger's (BIG - ssh!! She's sensitive about them!) ears and Ginger can help to make them come true! Every little girl needs a wishing fairy, right?

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Anonymous said...

Ginger is such a cutie! How much love is in this sweet fairy!

Deedra said...

Thank you, Julie-ann!! I tried to pour as much love into this as possible!! I sure hope she loves her! And if she doesn't, then I'll just put her on a shelf in her room where she'll stay all perfect and pristine! lol

Nicola said...

I'm sure she will love it!! What a sweet sweet fairy and a lovely gift!!!

Deedra said...

Thanks Nicola! Fingers crossed!!